2016-17 OMHA Junior Player Tryout Permission Forms, News (Quinte Red Devils)

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Mar 30, 2016 | gpopovich | 1872 views
2016-17 OMHA Junior Player Tryout Permission Forms
Faster / Easier process for providing AAA Zone Authorization for Junior Player Tryout Permission Forms

To obtain a signature from QRMHA  to complete a Junior Player Tryout Permission Form, simply email all forms (one for each team) to Greg Popovich at [email protected]

The forms should be in PDF format. Forms must originate from the players home centre, and have all necessary signatures before they can be processed by the AAA centre. 
Madison Excavating and Landscaping
Sponsor of our U11 team.
Bonn Law
Sponsor of our U12 team
Jason's Moving Inc.
613-417-3577 Sponsor or our U18 team.
Environmental 360 Solutions
Sponsor of our U14 team
Free Flow Petroleum
Sponsor of our U15 team.