QRD August Training Camp 2018, News (Quinte Red Devils)

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Aug 11, 2018 | Website Admin | 1722 views
QRD August Training Camp 2018
...Here are the details and schedule for the August Training Camp - Saturday August 11

QRD Training Camp 2018 – Saturday Aug 11, 2018

The Quinte Regional Minor Hockey Association is proud to present the 2018 Quinte Red Devils AAA Camp.  This year’s camp has been reduced to one day and will be a full day of activities for the players, parents and team officials.  A program and schedule has been developed within this document.  Teams will experience two ice times this year, along with fitness sessions, team meetings, and team photo session.  Along with the team schedule there will be scheduled managers meetings, a team trainer meeting, and time set aside for those who will be using the electronic game sheet and administering the team pages in our website.  If you have any questions, please contact your team manager for further details.


Fitness Sessions:
All fitness sessions will be held in the Yardman Arena and hosted by Jackie Jarrell of Gold Performance Training. Jackie has been the head Trainer for the Quinte Red Devils for the past several years and brings a wealth of experience in sports training and nutrition knowledge.  Players are expected to attend this session in work out gear and good running shoes.  Jackie will go over the importance of stretching/rolling and provide an off-ice fitness routine.  This session for the Major Bantam and Minor Midget teams will be Physical Testing. Please see schedule for your times.

Nutrition Sessions (Major Bantam and Minor Midget Only)
The nutrition sessions for these two teams will be held in the Fire Place Room and hosted by QRMHA Head Trainer Jackie Jarrell.  Jackie will conduct a classroom style setting for this session.  Note: Major Midgets should bring a light lunch/snacks to this session due to their very busy schedule.  These sessions will be held in the Fire Place Rm. See schedule for your times.

Ice Times:
Morning Ice sessions are for 1 hr and teams will hold practices with their coaching staff during these sessions. Afternoon ice sessions will be 1.5 hrs and will also be practices with their coaching staff.  Please refer to the schedule for your ice times and location.  Teams will be allowed to leave their equipment in their assigned dressing room for the duration of the day.

Team/Parent Meetings:
These sessions are scheduled for Coaches and Managers for each team to hold player and parent meetings.  It is strongly suggested that each team take advantage of this time slot in the schedule to conduct meetings. Majority of these meetings will be held in the Pro Shop Rm.

Photo Sessions:
Photo sessions will be held in a locker room #10 in Mackay Insurance Ice Pad.  Joe Belanger will be the photographer and will have photo packages for parents to choose from if they wish. Each player will report to this room for a photo and Joe will then conduct an “on ice team photo” just before the practice ice time.  Arrangements for missing players and coaching staff can be arranged with Joe at a later date.

All Teams are required to arrive early and be ready for photos no later than 1 hr before your first scheduled ice time. Players will be expected to pick up their team apparel order prior to photos in the Fire Place Room.  Go Teamwork will be in the fireplace room at 630 am to accommodate order pick up for early photo sessions.  Each team is expected to appoint a coordinator to assist the photographer in keeping players ready and available, so that ice times are not wasted.  The team coordinator will need to assist Joe in getting the photo package forms to parents and collect them.  Each team is allotted ½ hr prior to practice for photos, so organization is key to avoid wasted ice time and interrupting the tight schedule required to complete all teams

Lunch Breaks:
Every effort has been made to provide a break in the busy day to accommodate a lunch hour for players.  Due to the late start for the Minor Midget Team, there will be no lunch break scheduled; however, Jackie encourages the Minor Midgets to bring their lunch/snack to the nutrition session scheduled.

Clothing and Apparel:
Michelle from Go Teamwork is the official supplier of clothing and apparel for the Quinte Red Devils and will have the ordered Jerseys, sox, jackets, bags, etc……..that were ordered at tryouts, available for pick up at 6:30am in the Fire Place Room.  Michelle will be set up in the Fire Place Room from 630am to 12pm for team order pick up. We ask that teams arrive to pick up their orders well in advance of your first scheduled photo session in order to have photos taken with Red Devil gear on.

Team Managers Meetings:
Mandatory Team Managers meetings will be hosted by VP Business – Tanya Carr and QRMHA Administrator- Lesley Turcott. There are two scheduled meetings and each session will take place in the Fireplace Room:

Session 1: 1:30pm to 2:15pm – Minor Atom, Atom, Minor Bantam and Bantam Managers

Session 2: 2:15pm to 3:00pm – Novice, Minor Peewee, Peewee, and Minor Midget


Team Trainers Meeting:
Jackie Jarrell will be holding a mandatory team trainer meeting to review the trainers requirements for reporting injuries, concussion protocols, required equipment, and changes to expect in the upcoming season.  This meeting will be held in the Fire Place Rm at 3:15pm.

Electronic Game Sheet and Website:
Greg Popovich will be available in the Fire Place Rm from 12:30pm to 1:30pm to share knowledge and assist in training on the electronic game sheet system and website.  Team managers and/or appointed persons are welcome to attend this session.


QRMHA Executive:
Members of the Quinte Board of Directors will be available throughout the day to meet and answer questions. Stop by and introduce yourself and get to know your board.  Members will be available in the lower portion of the Fire Place Room throughout the day.

Team Schedules:

Room Schedules:

Jason's Moving Inc.
613-417-3577 Sponsor or our U18 team.
Free Flow Petroleum
Sponsor of our U15 team.
Gillespie's Tree Service
Sponsor of our U13 team.