President's Message, News (Quinte Red Devils)

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Oct 06, 2018 | lvotary | 2536 views
President's Message
On behalf of the QRMHA Board of Directors, I would like to welcome all the families, players, coaches, supporters and sponsors to the 2018/2019 AAA Hockey Season. This season promises to be another great year as we build on the successes of recent years. These successes have been seen in many tournament wins and finalists; as well as, strong showings by an increasing percentage of our teams in the playoffs, and ultimately appearances and wins in OMHA Championships.   Many of our players continue to develop and break the ranks of Junior teams annually, as the Quinte Red Devils are quickly becoming well known for producing top quality teams and players.

Our “off-ice” success also continues to be commendable, with teams and players supporting local community efforts including food banks and other charities through volunteering time to support and fundraise.  Of note, our Minor Bantam team was nationally recognized for their tremendous support to the community by volunteering time in support of the elderly, food banks, children’s hospitals, and breast cancer awareness.  This team was a finalist in the Chevy Good Deeds Cup and recognized on “Hockey Night in Canada” and TSN; to name a few.

               The list of intangibles that minor hockey experiences deliver to our children, both on-ice and off-ice, are what help shape and create the values needed to succeed in the future.  Teamwork, commitment, sportsmanship, friendships, overcoming adversity, resilience, work ethic, goal setting and respect, are some of the values delivered to our children through minor hockey experiences. 

The development, intangible benefits, recognitions and successes don’t come without the hard work, and dedication of many people through donations of time and sponsorships.  Sponsor’s proud donations to teams go a long way in enabling programs and costs. Bench staff, Trainers, and Managers put in countless hours of work as they continuously oversee the planning, development, and paperwork involved in running high caliber hockey teams.

Much of our success comes with quality programs and training that are essential to the development of our players.  Skills development through the PEP Program and Chris Longo, Off Ice Training and Health monitoring with Jackie Jarrell as our Head Trainer, and Goalie Instruction with Kory Cooper, are programs that continue to make the Quinte Red Devils strong and deliver top results.

The Quinte Regional Minor Hockey Association Board of Directors and Staff continue to strive for advancement and development, with a progressive approach to stay ahead of the competition with solid programs and initiatives that strengthen the “Quinte Brand”. Our volunteer board is comprised of a very dedicated and driven group, bringing very diverse strengths and experiences to the table under a common vision to serve the membership and the community to its fullest.

Finally, I would like to recognize our parents. AAA Hockey requires a tremendous family commitment and many parents further volunteer their time to support teams as coaches, trainers, managers, administrators, fundraisers, etc.  The community of hockey starts with the foundation that you help create.

I am very honored and proud to serve as president of such a fine and well-respected organization! These are great years with our youth and we should enjoy every minute. Good luck and best wishes to all the teams thought the 2018-19 season.



Larry Votary – President QRMHA


2018-19 QRMHA Board of Directors:


Larry Votary              - President

JP Boyer                    - VP Hockey Development and Operations

Mike Brown               - VP Business and Public Relations

Tanya Carr                - VP Business and Administration

Brock Ellis                 - VP OMHA Convener

Yolanda Ellis            - VP Finance / Treasurer

Leigh Musclow         - Secretary

Greg Popovich         - Past President

Jeff Diamond            - Board Member

Tyler Longo               - Board Member

Carrie Richard          - Board Member

Scott Scaletta           - Board Member

Sandy Wright            - Board Member


2018-19 QRMHA Staff:


Lesley Turcotte         - Executive Assistant of Administration

George Eastman      - Ice Scheduler

Shana Frost              - Referee in Chief

Jackie Jarrell             - Head Trainer

Mary Watson            - Book Keeper

Chris Longo              - Player Development / Instructor

Kory Cooper              - Goaltending Development / Instructor

Environmental 360 Solutions
Sponsor of our U14 team
Bonn Law
Sponsor of our U12 team
Gillespie's Tree Service
Sponsor of our U13 team.
Free Flow Petroleum
Sponsor of our U15 team.
Madison Excavating and Landscaping
Sponsor of our U11 team.