QRD November Program Announcement, News (Quinte Red Devils)

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Oct 19, 2020 | Website Admin | 2613 views
QRD November Program Announcement
QRMHA is pleased to announce our 5 week November Program which will run from October 26 to November 29.

As we come to the close of our October QRMHA programming, we would like to thank our players and membership for their ongoing support. It has been encouraging to see our teams back together and our players back on the ice. We especially appreciate your understanding and patience as we navigate this new version of QRD hockey. Your surveys were received and tabulated. In working with those results, we have now formulated the next session of our fall programming.

We are pleased to now present our 5 week November Program -
October 26 - November 29.

Each week players will have the following schedule:

1 x 1hr Dryland with Trainer + 1 x 1hr Skills Development with Instructors

1 x 1.5hr practice session

1 x 1.5hr practice session/scrimmage

Total of 4hrs on ice and 1hr off ice per week x 5 weeks

Also included are 2 hours of goalie instruction. 

Cost for each player for the entire 5 week program, based on the above format, will be a total of $385.00 per player.

This amount is to be paid in full by Oct. 25th or paid in two installments of $192.50 on Oct. 25th and Nov. 15th.

Registration and Payment are to be completed through etransfer to team accounts only (information to follow from each manager).

Pricing breakdown per player for the November 5 week program

Ice/Rentals - $255.00

Instruction - $130.00

Admin - covered by QRMHA

This costing equates to $77.00 per week per player.

Any teams utilizing additional time or instruction for their practice ice sessions will be responsible for the increased incurred costs. This information will come direct to families from managers and will be owed in addition to the organization’s program base price. 

More details will be forthcoming through team managers and updates on the QRMHA calendar.

Reminder that the website calendar is available for subscription on your mobile device for continuing updates.

Eligible Players:
 (as per OMHA/OHF Covid-19 Return to Hockey rules) 

1. Were rostered with QRD for the 2019/20 season 

2. Received waivers from QRD last year AND played AAA hockey in another centre,

3. Played AAA hockey in another centre and have moved and are now living in the Quinte zone. (Players in this situation must be approved by the OMHA.)

Jason's Moving Inc.
613-417-3577 Sponsor or our U18 team.
Madison Excavating and Landscaping
Sponsor of our U11 team.
Gillespie's Tree Service
Sponsor of our U13 team.
Bonn Law
Sponsor of our U12 team