Please read this brief article for all of information you need regarding the upcoming U18 tryouts.
On-Line Registration for U18 players opens on Monday August 1, and closes on Saturday August 20 at 11:30pm
1.0 - Background Information
For the 2022-23 season, the U18 age group is back to a more familiar format than what was followed in August-September 2021. There will be no Prep Phase as was the case in September.
The Tryout Skates will be 2 guaranteed skates. After the 2nd skate, players may be offered a place on the team, a chance to continue trying out, or be released.
All registered players will be accommodated for the Tryout Skates. If a larger number of players register than anticipated, the schedule will be modified.
The on-ice process will begin on Tuesday August 23, 2022. A schedule (which is subject to change depending on registration numbers) has been posted on the QRMHA website.
Cost: $125 - 2 skates guaranteed plus a QRD Tryout Jersey.
1.1 - Permission to Skate Forms / Process
Now that some home centres are issuing PTS forms, everyone needs to follow this simple process for submitting PTS forms.
In order to attend tryouts, prospective players must have a permission to skate form (PTS), from their home centre.
The PTS form verifies that the player is in good standing with their home centre, is a resident in their home centre, and is therefore eligible to attend tryouts with Quinte AAA, (or any other AAA centre).
Some some centres may not issue the PTS forms until a few days before tryouts. You do not need a PTS to register for tryouts - Just bring the PTS form to the first tryout !!!
If you do not have the permission to skate form, you will not be eligible to attend the tryout. Please do not try to get around this step. If you are not sure what this means, please contact your home centre.
1.2 - Player Movement - U18
Players in the U18 age categories can attend a tryout in any centre within OMHA. Players must first obtain a PTS form from their home centre, and then bring it to the AAA tryout of their choice. The PTS form does NOT need to be signed by the AAA centre. (There is no place on the form for a AAA signature.)
There are no “releases" or waivers for this process.
2.0 - Registration Process
Registration for tryouts will be completed on-line on the QRD Website. There will be separate registration forms for each age group. On-line registration will open on Monday August 1.
You will be required to e-transfer your payment to QRMHA in order to complete the registration process. It is a separate transaction from your bank's on-line banking app.
Send e-transfers to [email protected]. Also, please indicate your child's name and age division in the Message box. Please follow this process carefully, and only send e-transfers to this account.
If you have questions please send an email to [email protected]